Asking “WHY” Can Lead To The Crazies

I can hardly believe we’ve wrapped up our LOVE YOUR BODY teleseminar series.  HUGE thanks to all the wonderful men and women who participated, and to all of you who joined us.  I’ll have the links up for another two weeks, so if you are interested in listening in on any of the calls, there is still time to sign up below to have access to the calls.The theme that became very obvious was how so many people continually find themselves asking the wrong questions.  One of the most common:  WHY is this happening to me?  Or WHY can’t I lose the weight I want?  And there are many others.

The truth, asking WHY doesn’t give you much, with the exception of a crazy loop of negative and critical thinking.  The WHY questions lead you down the tunnel of nothing constructive.  Yes, there are times that examining how you got to the place you are in can be helpful, but be careful not to risk punishing yourself for your choices.  Today is a new day.  And you can make better choices NOW.  Acceptance at where you are is the first step in moving forward.

So then, what are more effective questions to ask?

Questions that begin with HOW or WHAT can be very effective.  How might I improve my level of fitness?  What kind of foods can I select that better supports and nourishes my body?  How can I show more love towards my body?

Can you see the difference?

I want you to be looking at WHAT you can do and HOW you can do it!  Doesn’t that sound a bit more empowering?

So, again, thanks to all of you who participated in our LOVE YOUR BODY teleseminar series….

And may EVERY day be LOVE YOUR BODY day!
