WOW!  We had another AMAZING week!  My “Love Your Body” conversation with George Kansas and Bill Stierle was awesome.  Hearing a man’s perspective of women, women’s relationships with their bodies, the costs and consequences, what really matters to men…and some rich ideas of what you can begin doing…well, we could have kept the conversation going all night.  If you want to listen in, sign up below and you can have access to ALL of our calls!

Then, this morning, I was interviewed by Penny Zenker, a productivity expert on her radio show.  Our conversation about “Beyond The Glass Ceiling” was also wonderful.  I reference the ‘glass ceiling,’ not in the traditional sense of not being able to go beyond a certain level in your career, but how we create an invisible ceiling, self-imposed limitations,  to your happiness and ceiling

What are some of the clues that you are limiting yourself:  1) you keep hitting a wall, not being able to get the results you want.  You either keep taking steps that produce little to no results.  And/or you find
yourself avoiding the steps you already know you need to take.

So where might you be with YOUR progress?  Are you finding yourself in the flow, taking steps that are supporting your target, or are you actions (or lack thereof) creating frustration, wondering what’s it going to take to move you forward?

If you are interested, here is the link from our call:

Most important:  take a step back, get in touch with your deepest DESIRES, take an honest look at your desired targets, and then accept where you are and what might need to be adjusted.

The hidden, internal barriers in the hard drive of your mind are what needs to be addressed, if you really want the shift to occur.  When aligned, you can then better position yourself, being able to create a healthier partnership with your emotions and desires, which then create the movement you need.  That’s when the magic of life really kicks in!

Hope you can join us for the last of the teleseminar series next Wednesday, when three of my clients will be sharing their personal journeys to unleashing the barriers of their mind, emotions and their bodies…so they can live a healthier and more authentic life….spreading their wings…and making their special contribution.

Have a healthy and happy week!

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