GREETINGS from Henderson, NV.  I’m attending CEO Space International, a business growth organization, where I serve as faculty and mentor to our members.  It’s been another amazing week, with LOTS of breakthroughs, clarity and strategies for our members to leverage their business to their next level of success.  It’s a rich and rewarding time…and I LOVE the magic of how the synergy of us all coming together…is making a huge difference in their lives.

That said, I’ve had to be really deliberate with my time.  Our days begin at 7 and do not end until late into the evening.
I know you have those days, weeks…maybe even more, and it’s important, especially when you have a lot on your plate, to make sure you take time for yourself.
I’ve made SURE to look at my schedule for the week, and schedule ME time.  And I’ve honored myself and my time, and as a result, I am feeling more rested, more productive…and most important to me….fully available to handle all of the responsibilities I need to take care of and provide for my week.
I made some time for a little break, where I could go to my room, do a little work and just have some quiet time.  I made sure to throw on my workout clothes and go to the gym for just a little bit. (and it realy was just a little bit)  THAT alone has made a huge difference!
This past week on my teleseminar Christie Miller and I had a wonderful discussion not only on the importance and benefits of moving your body, but finding ways to make it easy, simple and FUN!! (YES…FUN!!)  And what a difference that makes!

My point is:  I want to remind you that you DO NOT have to do a lot.  You do not have to allocate huge amounts of time.  However, if you just do a little…it can make a big difference.  And you’ll not only feel better…but you’ll feel like you are taking better care of yourself.  And that goes a long way!
If you haven’t signed up to be a part of our LOVE YOUR BODY teleseminar series, I hope you do so now.  You can get the recordings of our previous calls, and there are still THREE more left!  YAY!!
So I hope this finds you well….and I look forward to hopefully ‘seeing’ you on one of our calls!
Have a great week….I’m headed ‘back to work!’