What an interesting week!  I had an AMAZING teleseminar with Kailash Sozzani (www.kailashsozzani.com), launching my “Love Your Body” teleseminar series.  And, due to a technology malfunction, we actually had to re-do the program!  And besides Kailash’s generosity and willingness to do this again, I was actually pleased how I handled the situation.  I took a breath, had a mild moment of regret, then simply looked to see what needed to be done.  No making myself wrong, beating myself up.  And noticing how easily I navigated through this was wonderful .  And of course, Kailash was wonderful on this journey too.  By the way, if you have not signed up yet, you can still listen to my conversation with Kailash.  However, you must be signed up to have access to any of the calls.

How many times do you think you are ‘going for it’, doing something, whether it be a project, or taking care of yourself….and life throws you a curve ball?  And it’s not that we can necessarily avoid these moments, but what’s truly important is what you do when this happens.

I see this all too frequently with the women I support as they transform their bodies and lives.  First, I help identify foods that best support them: their unique, customized foods.  But I don’t believe in ‘diets.’  Yes I believe in making choices that best support you and your body.  However, I also believe in the joys those ‘special’ foods are to you.  In fact, many times I have to help teach people how to enjoy those special moments of their favorite foods! 

Many women have to let go of all the rules and former programming from their past.  With all the weight loss information, it’s too common to categorize foods as ‘good’ and ‘bad.’  I use the word: support.  There are foods that may best support you, kind of like a best friend.  And there are foods that are like the friends who are a lot of fun to be with, but you would be worn out if you hung out all too often.  Those are those special foods, the ones that you love, but eating them on a regular basis does not necessarily serve and support you.

But what you DO with these moments is key.  When you have that special treat, that special ‘something’ that you love, do you spend your time worrying…or have you found a way to enjoy the food, the moment, making it an experience.  I believe that it’s not so much the food we eat, it’s the story we tell as we chew and swallow.

I can remember a time when I was visiting friends in Dallas and we went to my favorite burger place.  I was in heaven, when I realized all eyes were on me and my friends were laughing.  I was so present to my food, my experience, that I had basically tuned them all out.

I’ve actually had the experience of dropping weight while at an event or vacation!

Last night on the call Kailash shared how she loves the crusty bread and butter when she is in Geneva.  (she and her husband spend a significant amount of time there).  And, early on, she caught herself worrying that if she continued to eat the bread and butter she was going to gain weight.  She caught herself, changed her story, and when she returned home, she did not gain an ounce!

Remember, I’m supporting you in living in harmony within your personal energy system.  So vibration, frequency and energy are important.  Is the story you are telling yourself one of love, kind of like my hamburger experience?  Or is it one where you may be something like ‘I shouldn’t be eating this.”  Try each statement on.  They FEEL different.  And your body can tell the difference!

So if you do choose to eat your favorite ‘whatever’…do it with LOVE.  Be present.  Enjoy every bite, the textures and aromas!

So….no more making yourself wrong.  No more beating yourself up.

Remember, this is “LOVE YOUR BODY” MONTH!

What are you going to choose, right now…to love YOUR body???

And be sure to join us next week, when my guest is Christie Miller.  Christie has a wonderful way of approaching your movement and nutrition.  I think you are going to find it FASCINATING!