It’s now the day after Thanksgiving, and I hope you had a wonderful day with family and friends.
I know the blessings that come from gratitude. In fact, I begin each of my days acknowledging what I’m grateful for. It has me be conscious of all the blessings in my life, right now. More times, than not, it’s truly the simple pleasures I get to experience each and every day.
I’m grateful that I’m alive, that my heart is beating, my lungs are working, my body is healthy. I’m grateful for the roof over my head, for the sun shining, for my sweet dog, Max, sitting on my lap.
And my list continues each and every day.
I recently had to expand that list to include extraordinary moments. Becoming a #1 best selling author the first day my book launched. That was extraordinary. Having an article written in Forbes about me and my book, and read by over 5500 people, that was extraordinary. And I was deeply touched and tremendously grateful.
I also have gratitude for my new clients, including those I have not yet
met. I have gratitude for my desires that have not yet been realized.

I FEEL gratitude for these ‘not yet experienced’ moments, since I know deep in my heart and soul that this is MY TRUTH. If you have read my book, The Miracle That Is Your Life, you already know that I distinguish the difference between a wish and a desire. I believe your desires are pointing you in the direction of your truth. So I continue to FEEL gratitude for for my miraculous life that is unfolding. And by FEELING gratitude for these, you are deepening the connection and allowing it to more easily materialize.
So, the gift of gratitude is assisting you in appreciating all that you have and all that is in the process of materializing. It’s the gateway to your happiness, your sense of satisfaction, and the miracles of each of your moments.
And even though in our country we celebrate only ONE formal day of giving thanks….I hope that you can practice gratitude each and every day! As you do, you will be amazed at the richness each of your moments are experienced and become!
And I am deeply grateful for the opportunity of sharing my thoughts, my feelings and my words …. to hopefully spark something within you, that is wanting to be experienced and expressed.