For most of us, we had a dream that we will, one day, meet the person of our dreams and live happily ever after. Did you buy into that one growing up?
And, for some, they were blessed to actually have that happen.
However, for most of us, we thought we met our Prince or Princess, but over time, we realized that maybe tt was not true. So we eventually dusted ourselves off…and gave it another try.
For most of my career I’ve been digging and decoding what contributes to people literally turning their dreams into reality, and what also interferes. There is nothing more important and special to me than supporting you in living the life of your dreams. I believe that when that is happening, you are truly living the life you were created to live, and making your special contribution to the world.
And where I see people suffer, all too often, is in their relationship. Either the one they are in…or the one that they cannot seem to materialize.
And the place we have to start is the relationship you have with YOURSELF. Our intimate relationships are a wonderful opportunity to see where we need to learn, to grow and become a better person. Even when we believe we know what is best for us, what works for us, life has a wonderful way of showing where the gaps still exist.
I know when my sweet man came into my life, I promise you, I did not imagine the ‘man of my dreams’ would ride up on a Harley. Now, for some of you….that may be JUST the kind of person that you want to be with. But after having a couple of serious accidents, riding on a motorcycle is not exactly ‘my thing.’
But did you also notice I titled this ‘my prince charming?’ This is actually a more important part of what I want you to look at.
We have been programmed and conditioned to believe in a fairytale kind of love. And this may be one of the obstacles that keeps you from experiencing a RICH, JUICY, loving and intimate relationship.
When you have certain standards, certain expectations, you may be eliminating someone really special… and you may not even realize that you are doing that. Because of your early childhood and life experiences, you may be keeping love away, without you even knowing that you are doing it.
The best way to know….take a look at what you are experiencing. Life gives you a very clear reality check.
Of course, it’s very important to know what matters to you most. These are your non-negotiable items. But if ‘prince charming’ is on your list, why is that? Are you hoping someone will ride in and rescue you? Are you wanting them to provide something you have not been willing to do for yourself?
And, you may literally be so tired of going through life alone, that having more support is greatly needed. I do NOT want to diminish the importance of that.
So, if you are interested in FINALLY attracting YOUR Prince Charming…would you join me on May 23rd in Oceanside, CA?
And if you don’t live in this area, and are still interested in how you can finally attract love…simply reach out to me. I’ll be planning something virtually in the near future.
I DO believe that there is that special person who wants to be with you, just as much as you want to be with them. It’s your heart’s desire. And those desires are there to keep you ‘going for it.’ It’s your truth. There is NO reason why you should wait to have that special person in your life.
The time is NOW!
Are you a busy professional woman, satisfied with your career, but wonder why you still have not found that special someone? Would you be interested in discovering what may be holding you back…AND position you to finally attract them?
As women, we are natural ‘receivers.’ However, in the world of work, we have over-developed our ‘doing’, which risks interfering with your receiving.
THE ATTRACTION FACTOR is a creative and experiential experience that will assist you in clearing your ‘airwaves,’ aligning and positioning you to FINALLY attract love into your life.
- Experience an exercise where you will get clear about the quality of relationship you deeply desire, the experiences you wish to have and the FEELINGS they will provide
- Identify the #1 issue interfering and holding YOU back
- Experience the Miraculous Loving MethodTM, which removes the internal interference
- Create the internal environment, raising your Attraction Factor. Like a magnet, you will draw your Beloved to you
- Receive guidance on how to better position yourself
- Learn how to connect with your inner guidance system, showing you when you need to take action, and the action you need to take
- Discover what’s important to men and how you can make it easier to welcome that special someone into your life
- BONUS: You will be guided to CONNECT with your Beloved NOW, before they show up physically
- You will leave our time together feeling a greater sense of confidence that ‘it’s only a matter of time’
“While working with Wendy I attracted the love of my life (after trying for YEARS!)…and we’ve been together for over a year.” – Lisa Lent, Santa Cruz, CA
Never before has it been easier to attract that special person into your life. But first, you must create the environment to allow this to happen. THE ATTRACTION FACTOR is going to support you in doing JUST THAT. Come join us for a for a day of nourishing your heart, your soul….your deepest desire.
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WHEN: SATURDAY, MAY 23 TIME: 10-4 (Lunch Included) LOCATION: Oceanside, CA YOUR INVESTMENT: $97 |
“Working with Wendy allowed me to get clear about the man I’m to share my life with, and even where I was holding myself back. Now I KNOW it’s just a matter of time.” – Diane D’Andrea, Chicago, IL
I’ve never offered this workshop at such a low price! This is my gift to you, as a gift celebrating my birthday. And I would be thrilled to support you in FINALLY welcoming love into your life. It’s your truth…let’s make it happen!