I don’t know how you are, but there were more Valentine Days spent alone than I care to remember.  It was if the whole world was a couple, and I wasn’t.  Now, I truly know that was not so, but it felt like it.  It seemed my eyes would easily find couples who looked really happy.  The media was blasting all sorts of enticing messages about being in love.  There were all sorts of offers to show that special someone how much you loved them!

And, quite frankly, it also bothered me that not much was talked about for the single person who didn’t have someone special in their life (at least THAT kind of someone special).  And I didn’t like that, since you can still enjoy Valentine’s Day without that person!

And it still bothers me.

I’ve always been the kind of person that would send or give Valentine’s cards or gifts to my single friends.  I’ve written articles about it, have been guests on radio talking about it….

And now I’m going to offer you MY time, as well.

I want to support you in KNOWING true, lasting love is your birthright.  You are programmed for it, and I want to help you KNOW in your heart or hearts that it is your truth! And, even more important, that there is a way to finally attract that person into your life!

So will you please join me this Thursday for ATTRACT LASTING LOVE?

I want, more than anything else, for THIS to be your last Valentine’s Day you spend alone!

I’m going to rock the apple cart, because I’m going to talk about some of the very things you may be doing to ‘take care of yourself,’ that may be the very thing(s) keeping love OUT of your life.

And I’m also going to suggest how you can make THIS Valentine’s Day special!

So sign up below…and I look forward to seeing you on the call!
