Are you willing to put down the gloves and begin to find a way to make peace with this magnificent gift of yours, your body?
Here’s a simple suggestion you can do to begin that process: Take some time to sit in a chair. Make sure you have the time to relax and enjoy the process. Take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to relax. Now, I want you to look at your hand. And I want you to look at your hand as if you are looking at a new born baby. Look at it’s magnificence. Look, with wonder, at the miracle of it’s shape, it’s form, even what it provides. Use your other hand and begin to stroke your hand with eyes of love. Just like you would cherish and stroke that sweet newborn baby. Now move up to your forearm, doing the same. You may even have thoughts or speak out loud, how much you love this arm. Continue doing this with your shoulders, torso, ALL areas of your body.
If you begin taking time EACH day to LOVE your body, and appreciate your body, your body will begin to look different, feel different and RESPOND differently.