Today I want to share a story shared by Randy Peyser, a woman I met several years ago while I was speaking and mentoring business owners at CEO Space, a business growth organization.  Randy has an incredible business today, assisting authors as a ghostwriter and also getting them book deals.  But, at the time we originally met, she also shared how she longed to attract true love into her life.

This is Randy’s story:

“I was 27 years old when my boyfriend asked me to marry him. I was ecstatic. One night I even had the coolest dream: he and I were dancing in gentle ocean waves. There were two elderly people, a man and a woman, holding hands with us. We all danced happily in a circle. When I awoke, I told my boyfriend about the dream. It turned out he’d had the same dream! Even more than that, he knew the elderly couple! They were his grandparents who had passed on years back. Obviously, this was a sign – a joyous confirmation of their blessings.

Many nights, my boyfriend and I lay in bed and fantasized about the kind of fun wedding we’d like to have. We even thought about passing out kazoos to our guests. That way, when I walked down the aisle, everyone could play “Here comes the bride.”

But the marriage was not to be: two weeks after my 28th birthday, on Thanksgiving day, my boyfriend – the great love of my life – told me he’d changed his mind. I couldn’t believe my ears. I hadn’t seen the warning signs. 

The pain in my heart was immense.  I felt like I couldn’t even be on the same coast as him. So, after six months of non-stop crying, I left the east coast where we’d made our home in northwestern Massachusetts. Traveling across country in my old beat-up Plymouth Scamp, I fled to my relatives in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Then, for the next 7 years, I cried almost every night, mourning the death of that relationship. But my life went on, and I took comfort in my work, helping disabled and elderly people, and then in the field of magazine publishing, where my career really took root.

In the 11th year after “the great betrayal,” one day, I casually whispered a prayer. Dear God, please heal my heart wherever it needs healing.

About six days later, one of my dear friends called me. She was insisting that we go to a church in San Francisco where there were psychics who did readings for the congregants. It sounded kind of intriguing, so I agreed to go.

After the very lively service, my friend said she wanted to take me to this marvelous Vietnamese restaurant in the city. But when we drove to the location, there was not a single parking space to be found anywhere. We drove round the block over and over again. With my frustration mounting, I tried to talk her into finding another place to eat, but my friend was insistent. After quite some time, we found a parking spot some blocks away, and walked many long blocks to get to the restaurant.

There was nothing really special about the food. I mean, it was good, but I couldn’t understand my friend’s insistence. The second she finished eating, she plunked some money down on the table and got up to leave. I was still chewing the last of my food when she’d already walked out the door. I was surprised by her reaction, but I paid my half of the bill and got up to join her.

The second I opened the door and took one step out of the restaurant, a man was walking by on the sidewalk. He glanced at me and said, “Hello, Randy.” At first, I didn’t have a clue as to who this person was. But I looked deeply into his eyes, and beyond belief, it was my old boyfriend from Massachusetts!

What were the odds that after 11 years, I’d run into the great love of my life, on the complete opposite coast, the second I’d opened the door of a restaurant, in the same week I’d asked to heal my heart wherever it needed healing?

We sat on a bench and he offered an explanation as to why he’d ended our relationship. “You know,” he said, “I was just scared.” Ten minutes later, he walked off, never to be seen again.

The man I loved was 29 years old. This man was 40 years old and he was a complete stranger, who I hadn’t even recognized. But the result was I finally got the closure I needed to truly move on with my life.  My prayer had been answered.


I love SO much of what Randy shared.

First, she prayed to have her heart healed.  And within days, she had a miraculous meeting of the man who had hurt her heart so deeply, allowing her to finally have closure and be healed.

Randy had reached a point in her life that she was now ready to experience love again.  She had already spent time ‘working’ on herself.   This ‘chance’ meeting allowed more room for that to happen.  And she had faith that it was now only a matter of time.

And it was not too long after we met that she attracted love into her life, this time a true and lasting love.

I know the importance of healing the wounds of our past.  And it not longer has to take a long time for that to happen (why I am forever grateful to be able to offer the Miraculous Living Method.) The freedom this alone provides makes room for more miraculous moments to occur.

Be kind to yourself.  Be gentle with your heart.  Acknowledge the hurt, the betrayal, or even where you believe you now realize you could have done things differently.

Life brings us all many different learning opportunities.  Sometimes these opportunities are painful and challenging.  But we must accept what is, find forgiveness in others and ourselves, and make different choices from this point forward.

So what might your heart be trying to tell you?  What prayer might you be asking to be answered?

And if you have a miraculous moment you want to share, please reach out to me:  I’m interested in hearing stories of how ‘something’ happened during a challenging time that allowed you to have a fresh perspective, a new idea, a miracle meeting.  You know what it is!!  Please share! (So I can interview you and share!!)

About Randy Peyser:  Randy edits and ghostwrites books and gets authors book deals with literary agents and publishers. Her clients have been featured on Hallmark TV and Daily Mail TV, in Oprah Magazine and Time Magazine, on the Wall Street Journal and USA Today Bestseller Lists, in airport bookstores and FedEx/Office and Office Max stores, and more. She is the author of Crappy to Happy as featured in the movie, Eat Pray Love”; The Power of Miracle Thinking; and The Write-a-Book Program.